Poem: Chanson

Poem: Chanson


A ring of gold and a milk-white dove

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Are goodly gifts for thee,

上海龙凤shlf最新地址And a hempen rope for your own love

To hang upon a tree.


For you a House of Ivory,

上海龙凤shlf最新地址(Roses are white in the rose-bower)!

A narrow bed for me to lie,

(White, O white, is the hemlock flower)!


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Myrtle and jessamine for you,

(O the red rose is fair to see)!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址For me the cypress and the rue,

上海龙凤shlf最新地址(Finest of all is rosemary)!


上海龙凤shlf最新地址For you three lovers of your hand,

上海龙凤shlf最新地址(Green grass where a man lies dead)!

For me three paces on the sand,

上海龙凤shlf最新地址(Plant lilies at my head)!